We didn’t let the damp day discourage us and we went on a School Walk around Clonown to celebrate Clean Air Week. We enjoyed the chat, the exercise and the lovely clean air. 🙂
Monthly Archives: November 2022
We completed lots of fun activities during Science Week. Micheál Coughlan came on Thursday for a Biodiversity and Biology workshop with all pupils in our school. This workshop was funded by Roscommon County Council. Pupils in the Senior Room carried out a Scientific Survey to investigate whether taller people have larger feet. We predicted, measured, […]
We were very lucky when the army band visited our Community Centre to perform for us on Wednesday. We thoroughly enjoyed it. They played lots of well-known songs that we recognised. They taught us about the different families of instruments and we got to hear each instrument playing on its own. Some of our pupils […]
Our computer classes with Cáit Ros Comáin have recommenced and the children are delighted. The classes run for 7 weeks and every pupil from 1st to 6th class takes part. We are learning typing skills, word processing and scratch coding. A sincere thank you to our Parents Association who helped us with the cost. They […]