The children had a great morning with Fred the Party Professsor. He entertained our pupils with music, songs and magic tricks.
Monthly Archives: April 2023
Following on from Catherine’s art lesson last week, the Juniors had their opportunity to study, paint and eat watermelons! They practised mixing primary colours and explored how to make colours darker/lighter. They did a super job.
Thanks to Owen Murphy from National Parks and Wildlife Services for his great presentation to the children today on the Curlew Conservation Programme. We learned a great deal, for example: there has been a 97% decline in curlew numbers since the 1980s the curlew habitat is disappearing the National Parks and Wildlife Curlew Conservation programme […]
We were delighted when our school was awarded the Artist in Schools Programme. This programme is funded by Roscommon Co. Council and involves an artist coming to our school every week for 7 weeks to deliver the programme. Catherine came today for the afternoon and the children had a brilliant time. Firstly they studied the […]
Well done to all the girls and boys in the Senior Room who played in the FAI Schools Soccer blitz yesterday in Creggs Rugby Grounds. They had a brilliant day; it was great to meet and play against other schools. Thanks to Brendan for all his hard work and encouragement with our teams. Thanks also […]
Owen Murphy sent us this amazing photo of a Glossy Ibis which he spotted off the Clonown Road this morning. These birds are normally found in the Mediterranean and in North Africa. Thanks a million for sending this on to us Owen.