Science week is one of our favourites!
In the Senior Room we worked hard on our group Science projects. The projects in the room are:
- Which learning style is the best?
- Why is milk good for your bones?
- Which tastes better, off-brand or on-brand products?
- How do aeroplanes work?
- How can you generate eco-friendly electricity?
We are hoping to be accepted at the Stemtacular Science Fair in the New Year with our projects. Fingers crossed!
We also carried out various science experiments in the room this week. We explored if you can make plastic from milk. We also explored the acid vinegar and it’s affect on calcium (egg shells & our teeth).
Finally we watched an episode of Curious Minds. In this we enjoyed learning about tornados and how you can make a “tornado in a bottle”. We explored the importance of worms for good soil. We learned how to create a school pond and we decided to focus on rejuvenating our school pond for our Green School Project. We are very excited about this and we hope to add frogspawn to our pond in the springtime.
Science is a very important part of our school week. We are going to Science Blast in March with our project on ‘Can you make plastic out of milk?’. We hope we are accepted into BT Young Scientists also. Last year, we were one of 55 primary schools from all over the country, that were chosen to attend.